October means FLOCKTOBER at Bear Creek Country Store in Bells and Leonard! On Thursday, October 19th, we’ll be welcoming a variety of baby chicks to both store locations, including Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks, ISA Browns, and Sapphire Gems. These cute little chicks are expected to be pullets, which means they’re all female! Don’t miss out on the chance to bring home these feathered companions this fall.
But that’s not all – we’ve got everything you need to take care of your new chicks. Stock up on chicken supplies like brooders, heat lamps, feeders, waterers, and quality chicken feed. Give your chicks a great start in life with our selection of starter feeds.
Remember to mark the date for Chick Days at Bear Creek Country Store in Leonard and Bells and get everything you need to make your chicken-raising adventure a success!